Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Say What?

I recently was shown a book that one of our "THIRD GRADERS" from church brought home from school that had language and subject matter that would require a movie to be rated at least PG-13.
I was truly surprised even though I don't know why anything surprises me any more. I will not even give you the first letters of the words used because I really don't need to. In fact you already know the words I am referring to.

Now remember, I said a third grader...not high school or middle school but ELEMENTARY school.

Then yesterday, I sat out at the ball field for five hours watching J.V. and Varsity baseball. I didn't hear one teenager or adult use any offensive language what soever, for which I am very grateful. HOWEVER, they play music between innings and between games on loudspeakers, one of which was right in front of where I was sitting (did I mention LOUD music). I do not know who chooses the music that is played but the only bad language I heard was from those songs. Most of the words used were words that we may not consider terribly offensive, though still unnecessary, there were a couple that made me cringe.

Of course if I say anything in public, I am simply the old, cranky, old fashion, fundamental, intolerant, extremist that wants to complain about everything.

Funny thing, I would have never dreamed as I was growing older that any of those words above would ever be used to describe me. Isn't life funny?

Well, garbage in garbage out... freely feeding that language to our kids even in a school atmosphere and school property... should we wonder what the verbal out come will be for many of them.

Okay, I'm going to take a swig of geritol and prune juice now and go lay down for a spell...before I HAVE one. (A spell that is)


Kristen Edmundson said...

It is so scary what is out there for the children. You really made a great point last night when you said we keep complaining, but there are no church members in the County Commissioners or School Board. The children are bombarded from all sides, and we wonder why they have such bad morals.

It is a little early in the day to start swigging Geritol and lying down though. How about just some more prayer! Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Another thing we agree on..