Saturday, October 15, 2016

If I Say What I Think ...

If I say what I think, some will be offended, maybe even hurt...
If I say what I think, I will be labeled... (pick one)...
If I say what I think, I will be considered an alarmist...
If I say what I think, I will be condoning things...
If I say what I think, I will be condemning things...
If I say what I think, I will be "judging" somebody or something...
If I say what I think, I will be unfriended (removed from a list)...
If I say what I think, I might inspire someone (who knows?)
If I say what I think, I might inform someone (who knows?)
If I say what I think, I might help someone (who knows?)

This may be a good place to decide to read no further ...
Because here is some of what I think ...

I think the choices we have for president is a very sad and telling commentary on the state of our nation ... I think our country has followed the cycle of every democracy in history (200 years is usually when democracies eventually fall according to historians) which is as follows ...Bondage...Spiritual Truth ... Courage...Liberty...Abundance...Selfishness...Complacency... Apathy...Dependence... and then back to Bondage! (I think we have probably passed complacency and are well through the Apathetic stage)... I think we have swallowed lots of lies and deception ...
I think there is a dangerous spirit of unrest and anger in our country ... I think respect and humility is at a dangerous low in our country...
I think a culture that accepts an Intact Dilation and Extraction procedure for pregnancies beyond 20 weeks (or any time for that matter) should understand that The Sovereign God of the universe and the sole Giver of Life can not be pleased ... I think much of the good of the days of my childhood is a thing of the past ... I think some of the bad of the days of my childhood have returned ... I think aside from some great Spiritual revival, we are in dire straits... I think opening the door (literally) to the girls bathroom to any sick mind that may walk in under the guise of "identifying as a women" on any given day with evil thoughts and for evil reasons is another sad commentary on our country (A true transgender using the bathroom or dressing room does not concern me, I'm sure that has been happening without incident for a long time) ... I think the most important issue regarding the current election is The Supreme Court issue ... I think, that as disgusting and annoying and childish as Trump is, he is the best hope for a Supreme Court that will preserve the rights we have enjoyed throughout our existence...I think Clinton will be a very bad choice for America and under her leadership our decline will continue or worsen...However, I also think she will win this election...

Those are some things I think, here are some things I know ...
I know God is not shaken ... I know Jesus is our Hope and our Ever Present Help ... I know in pure perfection Jesus stepped out of Heaven to pay once and for all for mankind's sins and I know that " many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believed in His name." (John 1:12) ... I know Eternity is near, and Through Jesus Christ, mine is secure and Holy and waiting for me ... I know Love conquers and heals ... I know "My Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' Blood and Righteousness ... On Christ the solid Rock I stand ...ALL other ground is sinking sand..."

Some are looking to the donkey and some are looking to the elephant, but our real and only Hope is to ... Look to the Lamb!

[This blog is my opinion and is shared as such and does not necessarily reflect the thoughts or beliefs of all who are the family of Fellowship Baptist Church]


Unknown said...

Amen Pastor James. Proud of you.

Terressa McDougald said...

Thank you for your obedience

Terressa McDougald said...

Thank you for your obedience

Unknown said...

As always,we look forward to your blogs and your eloquence in sharing your thoughts and wisdom through the Word.

Pastor James said...

Thank you all for your kind words! Blessings!

Cris said...

Thank you for being willing to speak out in truth. It gives the rest of us courage to stand for our beliefs. Makes me proud to call you my pastor.