Sunday, August 26, 2012

When did God become a Republican?

A friend asked two questions on facebook a couple of days ago. Though I respect the individual and admire his accomplishments in life, I did sense a tinge of sarcasm (he may refer to as satire)in his inquiry. However, I an going to attempt to offer an honest answer to his questions. #1- When did "Conservative" and "Christian" become synonyms? First of all, I understand his scepticism here and agree that just because you are one, does not necessarily make you the other. The word Conservative is defined in Webster's dictionary as *traditional ... maintaining existing conditions or views. The word Christian was first used by the enemy of the church and was not a compliment and referred to believers in Antioch as followers of the way of Christ. So if a person is a follower of Christ and accepts the bible as final authority they will hold to the traditions of sanctity of life and traditional marriage that is defined by Christ Himself.Evidence of this is found in Mark 10:6-9 where he said "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his Father and Mother and cleave to his wife; and the two shall be one flesh, so that they are no more two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together let no man seperate." I am saying that if a Christian holds the view that the bible is true then they are maintaining existing and traditional views which is the definition of conservative. So maybe that could be the connection of the two words. Again, I am not saying they are synonyms but they do have a connection based on that logic. #2- When did God join the Republican Party? Obvious jab there but that's okay. You would be hard pressed I believe, to find a president that did not at some point quote the bible and express their belief in God. Jimmy Carter quoted from Micah and later explained what it meant to be "Born again". Lyndon Johnson quoted Solomon. Even good ole Bill Clinton expressed his beliefs as a Southern Baptist. Again if you hold to the biblical beliefs of the sanctity of human life (I saw a clip yesterday that someone posted on facebook of George Carlin who accused all pro-lifers of being women haters and he simply dismissed the sanctity of unborn human life), traditional marriage as stated by Christ Himself in the above reference and the work ethic that is plainly stated in scripture, you are not likely to be a Democrat(or at least hold to the Democratic platform). That of course does not make God a Republican. No He has not joined the party. He is unafilliated but we as individuals get to choose whether or not we affiliate with Him and at what level we take Him at His Word. There are people with challenged intelligence and wisdom (two different things) on every side of the political fence. It concerns me that because I consider myself a conservative and a Christian, I am attacked from so many directions as being a hater, intolerant, racist, homophobic bigot. Hope this helps with my friends questions, at least as an explanation of possibilities of the use of certain labels. Bessings.


Elite Healthy Transformations said...

I am just curious why people get so hung on whether or not someone is Republican or Democrat. Whatever happened to voting using common sense and whether or not the person you are voting for has the same major beliefs as you do?
Pray first, vote second.
Nancy Curtis

Unknown said...

Very well explained. I wish the media would stop portraying Christians as intolerant hate-mongers by playing up stories of those like Todd Akin, etc. "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." We're ALL sinners...whether you're gay or straight, have had an abortion or not, democrat or republican...that doesn't matter.