Monday, October 27, 2008

My Civic Responsibility's out of my hands now... I have voted!!

Not much waiting this morning at about 9:00 but there was a good crowd there.

The media sure is doing their best to make me think my candidate doesn't have a chance but I can only hope that the American people will arise to the occassion.

Go vote!

1 comment:

KimmyB said...

I have voted Pastor! I know that this is all in His hands and there are going to be no surprises for Him tomorrow morning. But, this again, is certainly bringing Christians to our knees. Which leads me to a hypocritical reflection: Why do we do we just do this on the eve of an election or on election day in deep desperation and what seems like anxious supplication? We should be doing this everyday. We should feel personally threatened and attacked each time that our Nation is being vulnerable to attacks by politicians that are not in line with Him and what our God stands for and what this Nation was built upon. When we realize what we may lose and it is all in the balance, then we cry out. When will we ever learn that we need to be fervently praying for our leaders to keep God in our Nation every day; To take the side of Israel and protect her in this time of need, to protect our unborn babies from the Pro-choice activists that could possibly be on the bench if a Pro-choice President is appointed? When will we ever learn, Pastor? God has been so good to this Nation for so long. Which leads me to wonder...Is our time finally running out? Have we dishonored Him for the last time that He may turn the other cheek? I pray that is not the case. I pray for a revival for this Nation. That we will wake up and realize that Our God is being removed and have a fresh anointing and a burning passion to keep Him in it. To not be closet Christians that cowardly walk away from "offensive" discussions to some. That we boldly stand for His honor and stand firm in our beliefs in Him. First it seemed as though God was being removed as a slow fade. Now it seems it is in the blink of an eye. No matter what happens tomorrow, May we rise up and pray for redemption for this Nation. He is still on the Throne. He is still My God and my Saviour. May God forgive us where we have failed Him. Let revival start with me.

~Kim B.